
Lumonality believes strongly in privacy and user transparency. Your data is your data, and Lumonality will make sure of it. When you create a Lumonality account, we take every precaution possible to keep your data open to you and away from others. Third-party applications never get your email, cloud storage is encrypted, and you may see all of the information held on your account from the account page.


Nautilus is the name of our account manager, the Lumonality Nautilus login system has many features. Such as a friends system, cloud storage, email management, and account actions log. With all of that, you may view the raw data of your account at any time on the Account page.

Account Identification

Nautilus identifies your account in 4 ways, by username, email, Account ID, and an internal reference number. Your username is only used when a user wants to find your account, the email is only given to applications that you specifically give permission to, the Account ID can be used to specifically reference your account, and the internal Reference number is the governing id of your account that is not visible to you or anyone else.


Lumonality does not track user activity in any way, while we do keep logs of actions to your account for a limited amount of time as found in the section “Action Logs” below. Lumonality does not use your information for malicious purposes.


When you create a Lumonality account, your email is never sent to anyone unless you specifically give permission to share your email. If an application needs to send you an email, Lumonality will provide a dummy email address specifically to your account. This email is set up to forward emails to your account as well as log the sender. Once the sender’s email is logged, you may revoke or give them access to send you emails.

Cloud Storage

An application may store data on your account on your behalf. This could include game save data or application preferences. No matter what this data is, it is stored securely in your account. All data is encrypted using different details of your account as the decryption key. These applications are sectioned off to only read the data that the application creates. This means that one application can not read the data of another application.

Action Logs

Lumonality will document any and all actions that applications and users take to your account. Lumonality will log when you log in to the website or an application, when an application uploads a file to your account, when you make changes to your account when you add an application to your library, and more. This information is saved for 6 months at a time before being deleted. This data is also not shared with anyone.


Custom email domains will be allowed to use the domains feature, a feature that allows users of the same domain to be managed easily. For example, if you are a business and you pay for an email server, you may set up the domain feature. Let's say your email ends with, once you set up the domain anyone who also has at the end of their email is automatically added to your domain. With domains, you may block users from accessing cloud storage and games to manage your business. Domains allow for a better community in your business.


More information coming soon in the developer portal here.